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Moonlight Lovers Wiki
Rozdział I
Nasze noce będą długie, kochanie... Witaj w moim świecie.
Alias: Uwodziciel Gatunek: Hybryda Wiek: ok. 500 lat Płeć: ♂

Premiera: 20.11.19 Beliath Punkty Akcji: 15 480

Eloise budzi się na kanapie, a przy niej siedzi nieznajomy mężczyzna. Dowiadujemy się, że ma na imię Beliath. Poznajemy rezydencję i jej mieszkańców. Eloise chce jak najszybciej wyjaśnić to nieporozumienie i wygnać intruzów ze swojego domu. W tym celu udaje się do miasta, ale gdy chce podejść do policjanta, aby opowiedzieć mu o tej dziwnej sytuacji, nagle zostaje sparaliżowana i nie może nic powiedzieć, ani się ruszyć. Nastaje noc, a dziewczyna jest załamana tym, że nie ma się gdzie podziać. Wchodzi do jakiejś alejki, gdzie przychodzi po nią Beliath. Mężczyzna chce ją zabrać z powrotem do dworu, ale przed tym pije jej krew i zmusza ją do spróbowania swojej.

Tłumaczenie całego odcinka
Postacie występujące w epizodzie
Aaron Portret
Beliath Portret
Raphael Portret
Vladimir Portret
Aaron Beliath Raphael Vladimir

Dodatkowe informacje: Pierwszy raz pojawia się miasteczko.

Nie wiem, ale wydaje się ciekawa. Zbyt ciekawa.

— Zapowiedź


Moneta Beliath

B R1 01
  • Who are you?! What are you doing here? You… What did you do to me?
  • Whoever you are, stay where you are! Don’t come any closer to me, understand?
  • What did you… Where are we? What happened? Am I back at The Manor?

Moneta Beliath

B R1 02
  • (I mustn’t show that I’m afraid of him! Straighten up, look him right in the eye and let him talk!)
  • (No way I’m letting this… guy sit down too close so long as I don’t know what he wants from me.)
  • (I have to get back in control of this situation, at least a little bit.)

Moneta Beliath

B R1 03
  • Enough is enough, now! You haven’t answered my question!
  • Are you totally crazy or what?! Do you set out to kiss strangers like that often?
  • What’s your problem? That’s no way to behave!

Moneta Beliath

B R1 04
  • (He seems determined to drive me crazy. Might as well give him what he wants and get it over with.)
  • Are you kidding? You’re the one who showed up here without warning and without explanation.
  • Do you take me for an idiot? Don’t ask the same question!

Moneta Beliath

B R1 05
  • (Who does he think he is?)
  • (“The beginning?” The beginning of what? What on earth is going on?)
  • “Thrilling?” That’s what you call an assault?

Moneta Beliath

B R1 06
  • (Maybe if I use a slightly roundabout way, he might answer me. If I ask directly, I’m afraid he’ll make fun of me.)
  • (I don’t feel safe, I’d really like to know where he is.)
  • (Seeing as how he loves making fun of me, I should start the conversation with a neutral topic if I want to get an answer.)

Moneta Beliath

B R1 07
  • Sorry, but… this Vladimir guy? Who is he?
  • Excuse me… Raphael, right? This Vladimir guy you’re talking about, who is he?
  • (Hey, while they’re distracted, maybe I can try to slip out? The door is right behind me!

Moneta Beliath

B R1 08
  • (Who does he think he is for goodness sake? I am not his thing!)
  • (I haven’t even met this Vladimir guy and he is outright forbidding me to see him?)
  • (Better to fly under the radar for the time being, especially while he’s in such a state.)

Moneta Beliath

B R1 09
  • Listen, would you mind stopping a bit with all the nicknames?
  • (I hate these cursed nicknames, but if I ever react, I think he’ll use even more of them.)
  • (Is he obliged to punctuate all his sentences with these ridiculous nicknames? It’s totally stupid and degrading?)

Moneta Beliath

B R1 10
  • That’s good then, I must be about as enthusiastic as him. We’re going to get along well, don’t you think?
  • Why’s that? I didn’t ask for you all to be here, he must know that, he was there.
  • Am I not allowed to hang out around him either?

Moneta Beliath

Moneta Vladimir

B R1 11
  • Question Vladimir
  • Question Beliath
  • Talk about the Chalice

Moneta Beliath

B R1 12
  • So you undoubtedly want to answer all my questions now? Like, for example, what’s this stuff about a Chalice?
  • Aha? And the others, can I hope they want what’s good for me, too? Or, of course, are you the only one in this manor I can ask for help?
  • When you say “here for me”,I hope we agree on the meaning of the term, right? Because if it means you’ll be looming over me while I sleep…

Moneta Beliath

B R1 13
  • A role? What role? I don’t intend to play any role whatsoever in this story, no matter what you mean by that.
  • Stop this act for a couple seconds, you are just as human as I am!
  • What world are you talking about? The Manor? Isn’t that a little presumptuous talking about it that way?

Moneta Beliath

B R1 14
  • Dodge Beliath
  • Push Beliath Away
  • Don’t Move

Moneta Beliath

B R1 15
  • You’re lying, or you’re crazy, I have no idea which.
  • Those are just legends and superstitions, how can you consider that as proof?
  • If it were true, people would know, after all this time!

Moneta Beliath

B R1 16
  • What do you mean, no longer really human?
  • What do you mean?! I haven’t changed at all, I’d know it!
  • Well, of course. Maybe that’s how you pick up women?

Moneta Vladimir

B R1 17
  • Did you say you’re the first awake? The others are still sleeping?
  • I um… I still get lost in this manor, I’m not used to it…

Moneta Vladimir

B R1 18
  • (It’s now or never, maybe it’ll come in handy…)
  • (No, I’d just be wasting time and I don’t have a lot as it is. As long as he’s alone, I can still get away.)

Moneta Raphael

B R1 19
  • He didn’t really worry about that, no.
  • Oh, that’s really nice, but… I don’t think I’m going to do much of anything today…

Moneta Raphael

B R1 20
  • The man who assaulted me, precisely… He isn’t here, is he?
  • That doesn’t seem to be Beliath’s priority for the time being.

Moneta Raphael

B R1 21
  • You bet! Where I was before, there wasn’t much entertainment, and I’ve always loved reading to escape.
  • To be honest, not really… I couldn’t really afford to buy books.

Moneta Raphael

B R1 22
  • As nice as you may seem, Raphael, I’m not so sure Vladimir will agree with you. He doesn’t seem to like me much.
  • To tell the truth, I’d like that, I think, but I’m not sure Beliath would let me, don’t you agree?

Moneta Beliath

Moneta Raphael

B R1 23
  • (Seriously, no way, I don’t feel comfortable with Beliath for the time being. Besides, I plan on getting out of here as soon as possible. The less time I spend with him, the better I’ll be.)
  • (Pff… The evening had gotten off to a good start, but I sense that if I stay with Raphael, I’m going to bitterly regret it. It’s most likely better not to annoy Beliath. And maybe I’ll find out more about him, for sure.)

Moneta Beliath

B R1 24
  • Do you even hear yourself when you talk? You speak to me like you picked me up in a bar!
  • Come on, have you seen how you behave with me? You couldn’t care less about me…
  • You saved me when I was dying, you waited for me to wake up, you know that I’m not feeling well. Yet, you don’t ask me anything…

Moneta Beliath

B R1 25
  • Don’t come near me!!
  • What the… What are you doing here? You aren’t… at the manor?
  • How… How did you find me?

Moneta Beliath

B R1 26
  • That… Listen, that’s enough.
  • (This is crazy… And no one’s coming… I have to stall for time, until someone finally walks by! The nightclub must not be too far away!)
  • (If I keep staying passive, I’m doomed. I have to defend myself!)
Moneta Beliath
Beliath R01
  • Jego ręka opuściła moje włosy i objęła moją talię. Lekko, ale jego dotyk zdawał się mnie palić przez materiał sukienki. Mogłam poczuć jego oddech na twarzy... i zobaczyć oświetlony księżycem kształt kłów wystających z jego ust.

Tłumaczenie by Mevala

źródło | Grupa testująca sprawdza najlepsze odpowiedzi, aby podnieść LoM i uzyskać ilustrację. Jeśli nie masz ilustracji z tej solucji, musisz ponownie zagrać w poprzedni odcinek. Kliknij "rozwiń" aby zobaczyć solucję w formacie testerek.

Aaron Solucje

Beliath Solucje

Ethan Solucje

Ivan Solucje

Raphael Solucje

Vladimir Solucje

Ornamentation title


Rozdział IRozdział IIRozdział IIIRozdział IVRozdział VRozdział VIRozdział VIIRozdział VIIIRozdział IXRozdział X
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Fantastyczne tłumaczenia autorstwa Mevala

