Moonlight Lovers Wiki
Moonlight Lovers Wiki
Rozdział V
Myślałem, że przewracasz moje życie do góry nogami, ale tak naprawdę to właśnie przywracałaś mnie do życia.
Alias: Melancholik Gatunek: Wampir Wiek: ok. 200 lat Płeć: ♂

Premiera: 15.06.2021 PL / 02.01.2020 FR Vladimir Punkty Akcji: 19 000

Eloise jest zmęczona nie tylko obojętnością Vladimira, ale także tym, że inni mieszkańcy rezydencji postrzegają ją jako jego rzecz. Postanawia się wyrwać z rezydencji i zabawić w pobliskim klubie. Tam odkrywa swoje nowe moce, które mają ścisły związek, z tym że stała się kielichem. W klubie Moondance spotyka Beliatha i razem miło spędzają czas. Wracając do rezydencji, znajduje martwe ciało kobiety. Chwilę później napada na nią morderca, przed którym ratuje ją Vladimir. W wyniku starcia zostaje ranny, a Eloise pomaga mu dotrzeć do rezydencji i opatrzeć rany.

Tłumaczenie całego odcinka

Postacie występujące w epizodzie
Aaron Portret
Beliath Portret
Ivan Portret
Vladimir Portret
Aaron Beliath Ivan Vladimir

Postacie poboczne występujące w epizodzie: Morderca

Wyjście samotnie w nocy było dla mnie niemożliwe od czasu przyjęcia. Jednak myślę tylko o jednym: Znalezieniu Vladimira w ogrodzie, pod cyklamenami.

— Zapowiedź


Moneta Vladimir

V R5 01
  • (I feel bad that I haven’t gone to see Aaron since he got  back. He seemed so exhausted.)
  • (Since what happened at the party, Beliath has been much calmer and hasn't tried to provoke me.)
W zależności od wyboru porozmawiamy z Beliathem bądź Aaronem.

Moneta Beliath

V R5 02
Rozmowa z Beliathem:
  • Are you okay, Beliath? You seem a bit less...flamboyant than usual.
  • Are you feeling a bit uninspired today, Beliath? You're less enthusiastic than usual.

Moneta Beliath

V R5 03
  • Even though it's not always obvious, I'm sincerely convinced that things have improved between us. I'm starting to understand him and he's making more of an effort. It can only get better from here on out.
  • I'm not going to lie, it can be a challange to live with Vladimir and he's not easy to understand, But I'm starting to get him. And I'm trying my best to adapt to the situation.

Moneta Beliath

V R5 04
  • It feels like things are never going to get any better.
  • So that's it, period?

Moneta Beliath

V R5 05
  • Oh...Well...To be honest, I thought you couldn't stand me...So I'm glad to know I was mistaken.
  • Well, you don't sound thrilled about it, or even very sure of yourself. But at least it's something, right?  

Moneta Beliath

V R5 06
  • (Shoot, even if I'm a prisoner here in the manor, that doesn't make me one of Vladimir's playthings!)
  • (Why hide it anymore? I'm not free to go where I please. I'm a slave to Vladimir's schedule, his moods and his appetite. And I can't take two steps in this manor without running into another vampire.)

Moneta Beliath

V R5 07
  • (What good is to pretend? Beliath is no fool. It's better to be honest, even if I'm not proud of myself.)
  • I'm sorrry, but I'm finding it difficult enough to deal with Vladimir and his moods. I didn't want to make matters worse by snooping around.

Moneta Beliath

V R5 08
  • But it was serious, wasn't it? When he came back, he was in pretty bad shape. Yet he's one of the strongest people here. What happened?
  • But when he came back, he was bleeding. It must have been pretty serious, right?

Moneta Aaron

V R5 2
  • I'm fine, thanks. But can I ask how you're doing? You don't look so good.
  • I'm okay, thanks. I don't mean to be rude, but it looks like you're in pretty rough shape...

Moneta Aaron

V R5 3
  • Even though it's not always obvious, I'm convinced that things are going better between us.
  • I'm not going to lie, sometimes it's difficult to be around Vladimir. I'ts not easy to understand him.

Moneta Aaron

V R5 4
  • Most of all, I feel like things are never going to get any better. Just when I think he’s opening up a bit, he goes and disappears on me.
  • So that's how it's going to be? We all have to listen to his Lordship and cater to his every whim, no matter what kind of mood he's in, no matter what he asks for, no matter what decisions he makes?

Moneta Aaron

V R5 5
  • Oh… Well… To be honest, I wasn’t sure how you felt about it, or what you would say so… I’m glad!
  • Okay, you don't sound thrilled about it or even very sure of yourself. But at least it's something right?

Moneta Aaron

V R5 6
  • (Shoot, even if I am begin held prisoner here as a Chalice, it doesn't make me one of Vladimir's playthings!)
  • (Why hide it anymore? I'm not free to go where I please. I'm a slave to Vladimir's schedule, his moods and his appetite. And I can't take two steps in this manor without running into another vampire.)

Moneta Aaron

V R5 7
  • (I know him a bit better now, and he wouldn’t like it if I gave him an excuse. It’s better to be honest, even if I’m not proud of myself.)
  • I'm sorry, I'm finding it difficult to deal with Vladimir and his mood swings. I didn't want to make matters worse by snooping around.

Moneta Aaron

V R5 8
  • When you came back, you were in pretty bad shape. Yet you’re one of the strongest people here. What happened to you?
  • But I thought I saw you bleeding when you came back. You were badly hurt, weren't you?

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 09
  • Actually, there is a problem. I'm glad you brought it up because it will save us both some time.
  • Why, do you think there's a problem?
  • You’ll have to tell me if you think there’s a problem. We need to talk.

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 10
  • Really? You're seriously that blind? You keep giving me the cold shoulder and pushing me away, just when I thought things were getting better between us.
  • Really, Vladimir? You must have noticed that we've hardly spoken since that time in the garden. It never seems to matter what I think. It's like you really don't care about me at all.
  • I’m not blind and I’m not stupid, Vladimir. It’s clear to me that you’ve been distant since our conversation in the garden…

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 11
  • (If I never challenge him, I’m not sure how I can help him change his ways. I don’t care what the others say, I’m tired of making excuses for him.)
  • (What good is it to argue with him? It's always the same. I don't want to deal with it anymore. There's no use doing same thing over and over again.)

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 12
  • Maybe because I can tolerate sunlight without turning to dust? The last time I checked, it was dangerous for you. Right?
  • (It was bad enough arguing with Vladimir. I don’t feel like getting upset with Ivan too.)

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 13
  • (I'm not thrilled about the idea. I'll look ridiculous if they realize I'm trying to sneak in with them. They might even make fun of me and tell me to get lost.)
  • (This is the first time I’ve been to this kind of club. I don’t want to look stupid. I think the best plan is to try to get in with other people.)

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 14
Jeżeli zdecydujemy nie ryzykować:
  • But...Why? What did I do?
  • Excuse me, but would you mind explaning why? I've got enough cash to pay my cover and I can guarantee that...

Moneta Vladimir

Jeżeli zdecydujemy się do kogoś dołączyć:
  • Hello… Sorry to bother you. It’s just that this is the first time I’ve been to Moondance and I’m a bit lost. I was wondering if I could… go in with you? To see what it’s like inside?
  • Oh, uh, not at all. I was just standing behind you and...

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 16
  • (It’s not a huge club. We’re bound to run into one another at some point. If I pretend I don’t know him, it might get awkward.)
  • (I don't know it's not a huge club, but I don't want Beliath to tell Vladimir he saw me. I should try to lay low.)

Moneta Beliath

V R5 17
  • Uh… I’m just trying to put myself out there and meet people… to change things up a bit.
  • (Great, I was planning on going to the bar anyway!)

Moneta Beliath

V R5 18
  • You didn’t need to pay. I brought a bit of money with me.
  • That's really nice of you, Beliath, but maybe I wanted something else...

Moneta Beliath

V R5 19
  • So there are some advantages to being a Chalice? It’s… a little better than I thought!
  • I don't know how I feel about that. It all seems a bit dishonest.

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 20
  • Cautiously approach.
  • Make a detour.

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 21
  • (I can’t just let him save me and leave him to fight alone! I need to do something, anything!)
  • (I feel bad leaving the guy who saved me to fight on his own, but I've got nothing to defend myself and I'm in pretty rough shape. I wouldn't be much help right now.)

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 22
  • Why? What do you mean?
  • Vladimir, don't even think of refusing their help. You need medical care!
  • Don’t say that! I’m sure they’re worried about you, Vladimir. As soon as they hear what happened, they’ll all come and…

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 23
  • At least you're not in that bad shape if you can still give me a hard time.
  • Come on, I’m glad to see you’ve still got some life in you, but stop talking for a minute, will you? You need to conserve your strength.
  • Hey, so you're finally going to invite me back to your room? I guess you had to be at death's door for that to happen, eh?

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 24
  • (He's going to be upset if I treat him like a kid. Maybe it's better if I let him do it on his own.)
  • (I'd like to help him, but I'm afraid he'll take it the wrong way and think I'm babying him...)
  • (Shoot, he must have lost half his blood on the way here. He can hardly move. He needs me!)

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 25
  • Meaning? Do you want me to explain why I slammed the door on my way out?
  • I thought I understood, actually. It was pretty clear when our conversation ended.
  • I really didn’t think you wanted to talk about it. Otherwise I would have stayed at the manor.

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 26
  • If you want me to bandage your wounds, I'm going to have to...
  • You’re going to have to take off your jacket and shirt so I can bandage your wounds…
  • I'll need you to take off your jacket and your shirt please. So I can take care of you.

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 27
  • (I feel like taking care of him. Even if he complains. This time, he really needs help. The others told me that this would be necessary… and here’s my chance, at last. I need to try.)
  • (I need to help him. He needs to let me help him get better. Who cares if he complains? This time he really needs someone at his side. The others told me that this would be necessary...and here's my chance, at last. I need to try.)

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 28

Wybór pojawia się, jeżeli wcześniej podjęliśmy złą decyzję.

  • Really? And you haven't noticed I've been okay with you drinking my blood for weeks now? Not to mention the fact that I've already witnessed two murders.
  • You just have to tell me what to do. I know a thing or two, but I've never had to deal with such a serious case.
  • If you recall, I had the "pleasure" of seeing two dead bodies recently. Besides, I grew up in an orphanage without a nurse onsite.

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 29
Wybór pojawia się, jeżeli wcześniej podjęliśmy dobrą decyzję.
  • Well, you’re just going to have to trust me.
  • Yes, I can manage.
  • You know, when you grow up in an orphanage without a nurse onsite and so many kids around, you quickly learn how to handle situations like this.

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 30
Wybór pojawia się, jeżeli wcześniej podjęliśmy złą decyzję.
  • Do you need my help cleaning tha wounds?
  • That really looks bad... We'll have to disinfectthe whole area, I guess?
  • The cuts are so deep that we're going to have to bandage them... I hope there's enough gauze.

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 31

Wybór pojawia się, jeżeli wcześniej podjęliśmy dobrą decyzję.

  • (The most logical first step would be to clean his skin and all of his cuts.)
  • (I'll disinfect later.)
  • (I hope there's enough gauze...)

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 32
  • By the way, what were you like in the past?
  • It's been that long? Since you were... turned?
  • You always seem so bitter and hard on yourself when you talk about the “past”.

Moneta Vladimir

V R5 33
  • (I let out an ironic laugh.)
  • I don’t know. I don’t think so. I’d like to think it’s true…
  • I...I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that.
Moneta Vladimir
Vladimir R05
  • Po tym jak się poddałam Vladimirowi i pozwoliłam mu wziąć w posiadanie moje drżące ciało, byłam podekscytowana, gdy poczułam, jak bierze mnie w swoje ramiona i trzyma mnie blisko...

Tłumaczenie by Mevala

źródło | Grupa testująca sprawdza najlepsze odpowiedzi, aby podnieść LoM i uzyskać ilustrację. Jeśli nie masz ilustracji z tej solucji, musisz ponownie zagrać w poprzedni odcinek. Kliknij "rozwiń" aby zobaczyć solucję w formacie testerek.

Aaron Solucje

Beliath Solucje

Ethan Solucje

Ivan Solucje

Raphael Solucje

Vladimir Solucje

Jeśli nie jesteś w stanie odblokować ilustracji za pomocą solucji, jest prawie pewne, że musisz wrócić i zagrać ponownie w co najmniej jeden odcinek, aby podnieść LoM.
Ornamentation title


Rozdział IRozdział IIRozdział IIIRozdział IVRozdział VRozdział VIRozdział VIIRozdział VIIIRozdział IXRozdział X
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Fantastyczne tłumaczenia autorstwa Mevala